Friday, October 31, 2008

A Daily Measure of Beauty

I gave Emma these measuring spoons last Christmas. When I spotted them in the store, I knew that she would adore them. They are heavy, well-made, and are decorated front and back with flowers, teapots, teacups, and hearts. She uses them all the time. The funny thing is, I find myself choosing them too. I have quite an assortment of measuring spoons ranging from plastic to aluminum to stainless steel. But I like hers. They feel good, and the decorations make me happy. Though certainly not high art, the spoons are one small step toward the ideal that John Senior talked about in The Restoration of Christian Culture:

Archaeoligists rate a culture by the quality of its ordinary pots and bottles, not just its "serious" art but the everyday utensils preserved by the unprejudiced democracy of its dumping grounds. An ancient utensil is to us a priceless Grecian urn; the greatest artist in the world today can't make a thousandth of an ordinary Greek pot. Even a Victorian chamber pot is a work of art compared to the vulgar kitsch of a Picasso ceramic. No one will even bother to sift us out but dig right down through the sordid strata we have deposited to the richer people here before us who, primitive as they were, at least made beaded necklaces of seashells and jade.

My copy of Senior's book is well-worn and bursting with stripes of color from my attempt to highlight the most important parts. I gave up. He made every word count.


Emily said...

Those are so pretty! I'd definitely use them over plastic/metal if I had them. They would make baking seem like a more cozy, 'housewifey' experience. :)

Wendy Haught said...

My only regret is that I didn't buy the matching measuring cups at the same time. When I went back to get them for Emma's birthday, they had sold out and have not gotten them back. :(