"MOM!" she scolded. She was so flustered, she couldn't express it properly. Seconds later, another "MOM!"exploded from the core of her injured feminine dignity.
"Yes?" I inquired innocently.
"I like kilts," she explained exasperated. "Just like I like the men's Regency outfits."
"Oh, so the fact that men happen to inhabit the kilts is purely coincidental?" I asked.

Drat and double drat! There go my plans to marry her off to a Scottish Country Dancer! And I just saw the photo at right which led me to discover HectorRussell.com, an online store in Scotland that features a kilt rental service!
Don't look at those men, though! Just the kilts!
If you would like to direct Emma to my kilt website, she can feast her eyes on many more kilts.
The URL is http://www.your-kilt.com
Kind Regards,
Thanks, David. Emma and I visited your kilt site and enjoyed it. We wish you much success!
This completely cracked me up. I can just see my mom and I doing the same thing when I was younger. I had a thing for men in kilts....then I married an Italian.
Of course, I don't know your mom at all, but I see a lot of similarities between you and Emma. I think that's why we enjoy your blog so much. It's kind of like a peek into Emma's future life! Boy, does she get disappointed when you don't post for a while!
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