Sunday, March 14, 2010

Time is Short: Love, Love, Love

I am really, really enjoying Nathaniel and Emma as adults. I'm so happy to see them each morning! Nathaniel gives me the most WONDERFULLEST hugs. Powerful. Full of the LIFE FORCE. Emma gives me little sweet hugs and rubs noses with me. Nothing has changed since they were babes at the breast. Nathaniel was a turbo nurser, and Emma sipped and smiled.

Nathaniel has me sit down and listen to all kinds of crazy music with him. "Do you like this one, Mom? What about this?" Most of it I don't like because it has awful screeching in the background, and I think, "Is this satanic?" But if I like the lead singer's voice, I tell him.

I like Tell it to the Volcano by the Miniature Tigers. It makes me laugh. So does another Miniature Tigers song that he likes, Cannibal Queen . He likes Michael Buble A LOT. I do too, but I worry about a boy who listens to all that romantic stuff and also gives good hugs. It's a risky combination when he's nowhere near being able to support a wife. I take comfort in the fact that his favorite Buble song is, Just Haven't Met You Yet. My all-time favorite of the songs he has played for me is Jason Mraz's I'm Yours. I love the lyrics and the music. Most of the time it makes me happy. At Katie's wedding reception it made me cry.

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