Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Boys Will Be Boys, But Why?


I spent the most enjoyable and educational interlude the other day listening to a talk by writing expert Andrew Pudewa on the differences between boys and girls.  It's called, "Teaching Boys and Other Kids Who Would Rather be Playing in Forts".

After raising a boy and a girl and homeschooling them from kindergarten through high school, you would think that I would already know these things, but I didn't.  Well, I knew how the differences were expressed.   I knew the problems they caused.  What I didn't know were the underlying reasons for them.  Now I know that they are physically different in the way they see, hear, and the way their bodies react to stress.

Pudewa bases his 2009 talk on the work of Dr. Leonard Sax, M.D., Ph. D., the author of  Why Gender Matters, (2005) Boys Adrift, (2007) and Girls on the Edge, (2010).  I am ordering the two most recent ones and will publish reviews here on my blog.  Some of the information in the talk has been updated with new research.  Go HERE for Dr. Sax's explanation.

The talk was so good I listened to it two times.  The second time I played it on my iPhone for my husband and daughter to hear as we blazed down I-10 on Saturday to attend an engagement party.  I enjoyed it just as much the second time.  And it was FREE.  You just can't beat that with a stick.  Unless you're a boy.  They can beat just about anything with a stick.  That I learned when my boy was about 18 months old.  He gleefully made music one day by whacking the ivory off the edges of most of  our piano's keys.

Go to Circe Institute's Free Audio Library and scroll to the bottom for the "Teaching Boys" talk.  Don't delay.  Apparently these talks are rotated regularly.

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