My soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord.Psalm 83, Douay-Rheims Bible
How much we take for granted! Before he began his homily yesterday, Fr. Peek explained that the lock on the High Altar tabernacle would not open without the help of a locksmith. In the meantime, the side altar tabernacle was being used. Unusual circumstances like this always remind me how lucky I am to be able to come to Mass and receive communion. It also reminded me that I still had tabernacle pictures to share.
The Altar of Repose. It was especially lovely on Holy Thursday night with all the candles lit.
Here's a picture of the same tabernacle without the veil. I wish I knew more about its history. It does have a memorial inscription on the top, indicating that it was donated by a family. Our friend Mickey rescued it from ebay. All I can say is that it is very, very heavy.
One of Herb's Lenten projects was to take it apart and polish it. He did a fabulous job, but you can't appreciate it because I was not bright enough to take "before" pictures. Coincidentally, I read aloud to Emma from
Motherhood and Family while she was hemming the veil. One of the chapters dealt with the difference in how men and women express their spirituality. It was a big "a-ha" moment for me, as I reflected on the loving care that Herb had given the polishing.
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