Saturday, April 18, 2009

Such a Good Daddy!

Herb surprised Emma with tickets to last night's Celtic Woman concert at the Toyota Center in Houston. About a month ago he noticed a flyer advertising the concert and knew that Emma would swoon to attend. She's still basking in the glow today, re-living the Celtic Woman glory via YouTube.

Her only concern in going last night was that she had a lone chick trying to hatch, and she didn't want to miss it. Luckily, just before they had to leave, the chick burst from its shell. It's the first black one. I was instructed to leave him in the incubator until he was good and fluffy, then put him in the box with the others.

I received this text from Emma as soon as she and Herb got seated at the Toyota Center:

How fluffy is my birdy
And what is he doing?

I responded with details and received the following message:

I'm glad to hear of his state of fluffyness and the measure of his cuteness. I hope you don't confuse him as to who his mother is.

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