Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Watch and Pray: Enjoy a Visit with Bishop Williamson

Stephen Heiner of True Restoration is posting a series of video interviews with Bishop Williamson. I watched the second one yesterday. It was a great treat for me. Before I ever attended a traditional Mass, I found his letters online and eagerly read them. They refreshed and instructed me with their clear teaching. Happily, they are now available in book form through True Restoration Press.

Bishop Williamson confirmed my children. I know of no other priest or bishop who has so profoundly moved them to think about what it means to be Catholic in the modern world. At their confirmation, he made a point of turning off the air conditioning and the microphone as he talked about Catholic truth and reality. They have NEVER forgotten it.

While I understand that the mission of the SSPX as an organization has been jeopardized by Bishop Williamson's remarks about the Holocaust, he still has enormous gifts to share with the faithful. I hope the Society does consecrate another bishop to take his former responsibilities. And I hope they create a post for him that will give him the most access to the faithful. Instead of traveling the globe for ordinations and confirmations, it would be fabulous if he could just give conferences at parishes--if his freedom to travel without risk of prosecution is ever restored. There is a desperate need for his advice. For instance, in Dec. of 2007, he wrote about the coming economic collapse and gave advice on how to prepare. I believe that Catholics who write him off because of conspiracy theories are "cutting off their nose to spite their face".

His Excellency really shines in the outdoor setting of this second interview, with the birds singing. In the midst of a serious explanation of the problems with college, he slipped in a line that had me laughing out loud. No, I won't spoil it.

He also talks about the economy and poetry. I came away from it recharged for the battle and looking forward to the next interview.

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