The choir presented him with a 1962 Liber Usualis in perfect unused condition, right down to the satin ribbons. They included a brand new decorative leather cover for it. Fr.'s old Liber was falling apart.
For Mass, we followed the propers for the Feast of Our Lady Queen of Angels from the Franciscan missal.
After Mass we prayed all fifteen decades of the Rosary as we processed about 1 1/2 miles around Dickinson. It was wonderful to see people in the neighborhood stop what they were doing to look and listen, but I'm sure we made even more of an impact as we walked along busy Hwy. 3. We sang Marian hymns as well, finishing with the "Salve Regina."
Herb and I couldn't stay to eat barbecue, but we came back near the end of the party so that we could say goodbye to Fr. Stanich. I told him that it was too bad I couldn't hug him, because that was what I really wanted to do.
He said, "Are you older than me?"
I said, "Yes, I'm 49,"
"It's OK, then."
Wasn't that sweet of him? I've never seen him get hugged by anyone else.
So I hugged him and patted him and thanked him and wished him well. He'll never know how much it meant to me.
Pictures: I was having one of my frequent "bad photography" days. Click to enlarge, it may help.
We have a lot of handsome young men in our parish.
Hi Wendy, I attend St. Athanasius Church in Binghamton NY, which is a mission parish from Syracuse. Fr. Stanich offered his first Mass for us last Sunday, and we look forward to his holy guidance.
You are getting a real gem in Fr. Zendejas. I've made two retreats under him at Ridgefield CT. He is soft-spoken, and at times the accent is difficult, but he's well worth the effort to try to understand. I would even describe him as "mystical." God bless you.
Dear Anonymous,
OH, we are loving Fr. Zendejas! I noticed that I was leaning forward in my pew last Sunday, trying not to miss a single word. My 18-year-old son could not stop talking about that sermon. We are truly blessed!
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