Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Their Special Treasure

"Very often I have been deeply touched at the sight of a humble family going toward church in the late afternoon of a day in May. . .the father, perhaps, in overalls and wide straw hat, the mother in flounced calico skirts and reboso, with two or three little children in shabby hand-me-downs. But all are leading their special treasure, usually a tiny girl of three or four, dressed in sparkling white, on her head a white veil held in place by a wreath of white flowers, white shoes on her little feet and minute white gloves on her hands. One can imagine the love and sacrifice that have gone to procure this costume, in order to provide the little one with her special moment of glory and importance. Usually someone in the family has an armload of flowers, and the little queen goes to church to act for them all, to offer prayers for the whole family, prayers made shining and precious by her innocence."--Where the Heart Is by Elizabeth Borton De Trevino

Photo by Emmaline Haught

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