Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sunrise, Sunset, Weave the Fabric for a Silk Wedding Dress

Weddings have been on my mind for the last month. I've been reading about traditional Catholic wedding music, impediments to marriage, etc., etc., etc.

But I wasn't thinking about that at all when I visited the Upstairs Studio website to find information on weaving classes for Emma. It's something we've been planning for at least two years but I always put off because it's 4 8-hour days in La Porte, TX. After I got the information I was looking for, I followed a link to the Contemporary Handweavers of Houston (CHH) site. We had a CHH family membership the first year that Emma got her spinning wheel, but we quit going to meetings when it became a conflict with choir practice in Dickinson. We really enjoyed those meetings, though, and so I was eager to see what had been going on. I found something that I did not expect, a link to a blog about weaving the fabric for a daughter's wedding dress! It's silk and has to be ready by June 25. The weaver, DeeDee, planned to do this whenever her soon-to-be-married daughter, Sara, was first born. She started in January this year. It's something I can imagine Emma or Emily G. doing for their daughters.

Since Emma doesn't have a daughter yet, or a husband for that matter, she has plenty of time to perfect her technique.


Emily said...

You seem to know me awfully well, Mrs. Haught. I do not have a loom nor money a place for one, but that is definitely something I'd do. I will have to settle for making Maria's wedding dress when and if she needs one. (I guess she will either way, nuns wear wedding dresses ....) I do have plans for her and I to make a wedding quilt for her to keep in her hope chest once she is old enough to sew.

I'm glad you're blogging more again. I missed you!

Wendy Haught said...

Emily! Aren't you supposed to be sewing with Bee?! I'm quite flattered that you took time out to read my blog.

As far as a loom, money and a place for a loom, they will come. You have plenty of time.

It's good to be missed! Thanks!