Friday, May 11, 2012

Just a Memory

I searched high and low this morning, but this stained parchment paper is all that's left of the strawberry fruit leather I made yesterday afternoon.  It was my first try at it, and it came out far better than my expectations.  I spread it with mascarpone cheese before rolling it up.  My only experience with fruit leather previous to this was the store-bought kind, which I had found disgusting.  I used a pound of fresh, organic strawberries for mine.  I put them in the food processor with the juice of one lemon and honey to taste, then cooked the mixture on the stove for a few minutes.  You can dehydrate it raw, but it doesn't come out as soft.  I had planned to make jam with the rest of the strawberries, but after tasting this leather, I am going to make another batch of it instead!


Maid Emmaline said...

I know where it disappeared to. Yum....

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

LOL, never leave the evidence laying around! I haven't tried this yet but plan to. (This is Kathy @ Moving On To The Past but I might show up as anon. I'm on my lunch time and was catching up on blog reading).